Thursday, July 27, 2017

Evolving Technology and Auto Sound Systems

Evolving Technology and Auto Sound Systems

Finding auto sound systems that can keep up with the constantly evolving technology of today is a real challenge for many car and sound enthusiasts not only around the nation but also around the world. There was a time in the not so distant past when car stereos that had CD players or CD disc changers where the cutting edge of technology. New technology however has nearly rendered the CD players in cars as obsolete as long forgotten 8-track players. The sad news is that many carmakers are clinging to the old days and only offer something as modern as cassette players as standard equipment for auto sound systems.

I think those days will soon be forgotten, as cassettes are no longer even in mainstream production. You should also find that as CDs are rapidly becoming replaced by MP3s that take up very little space in our cars and homes, one day very soon we may see that music companies have decided it is no longer cost effective to produce CDs and render all music to digital formats. So, what does this mean for auto sound systems? It's actually good news for savvy manufacturers are well as savvy consumers who have their eyes on the future and the growing role technology is playing in our lives and as well as our commute to work.

We've seen a recent introduction of satellite radio to our selection of auto sound systems. These stations offer the allure of no commercial interruptions to your music play in exchange for the price of a monthly subscription. At the moment there are two major companies that offer this service to consumers and each have rather proprietary equipment for their use and installation into your car. They are actually offering some rather tempting offers in order to encourage subscribers. Among those wonderful offers are auto sound systems for your vehicle at less than $100 with a prepaid year of subscription services.

For the satellite radio companies this indicates a constantly growing pool of prospective subscribers and the cost of the equipment is a drop in the bucket when compared to customer loyalty and being on the cutting edge of sound technology. The drawback is that you must decide which service you wish to go with before making the purchase. Also while they offer a very nice auto sound system (bare bones kind of kit that only allows for the radio reception in most cases) at a very sweet price, if you want upgrades such as MP3 compatibility, CD players, CD changers, DVD players, GPS, or any number of other new and advanced technology you will still have to purchase those for your sound system at an upgraded price. There are a few packages that come with these things, but the price is a little on the hefty side. Oh the sacrifices we will make for a more enjoyable daily commute.

Know what your expectations are before you decide to purchase the auto sound system of your dream or you could find that it is more the stuff that nightmares are made of than sweet dreams. Do not live in constant fear that if you buy today you will find something you like better 6 months from now, that is a reality. Technology is growing and evolving at a frightening pace. Find the auto sound system that you like best today and make that your purchase. This is a much better option than waiting around indefinitely and purchasing one just as your warranty expires on your car and it's time for a trade in and another auto sound system.

Is Bigger Better in Auto Sound Systems?

When it comes to auto sound systems, one question seems to be repeated often-is bigger better? The honest answer to that is not by a long shot. There are many excellent quality sound systems that will not require the backseat and your first-born in order to enjoy wonderful quality of sound and music as you drive along on your daily commute. One thing that is important to remember is that dynamite does in fact come in small packages. The same can be true of a good quality sound system for your car, truck, or SUV. 

You can elect to have the full range sound package. This package, if not custom installed by the dealer can take up a great deal of real estate within your car, truck, or SUV. If you own a compact car, these types of speakers and this particular type of sound system is definitely not recommended. The first reason it is unattractive is that it will most likely require either the vast majority of your trunk or take out your back seat. I for one like being able to cart around friends, relatives, and/or children-my back seat isn't up for grabs. I also prefer the continuity of a factory-installed system that takes up none of the premium living space within the interior of my SUV.

I am personally biased towards the wonderful sound quality of the Bose sound system and speakers. The quality of sound with this particular system is excellent and any true music lover will tell you that good quality of sound is better by far than a louder sound. This is not to say that the Bose sound system will be the perfect choice for everyone to use as his or her auto sound system only that it is my first choice as a music lover. 

I prefer a softer sound that has good quality to a louder sound of the substandard or even average quality on any day. The problem with most 'big' sound systems and speakers is that they often sound hollow or tinny rather than full and robust. A good auto sound system will provide the best possible sound within the confines of the least possible space. You will probably find that you don't need to sacrifice your backseat in order to hold the speakers and while the Bose sound system for automobiles does cost more than some sound systems, it won't require a second mortgage on your home in order to afford. There are actually times in life when you get what you pay for.

The important thing to remember is that you do not have to have the most expensive, the best known, or even the biggest sound system in order to have a wonderful quality sound system in your automobile. You will not even have to have a Bose sound system in order to have a sound system that is not only excellent quality but also excellent sound. You do not need to pay an arm and a leg or any other appendages in order to have a good sound on your daily commute to work.

Music is all around us, at work, at home, on television shows. Music sets moods, sets tones, and kills moods on occasion. It only makes sense that you have good quality equipment upon which to play the music that so greatly enhances and enriches your life. If you are in the market for an auto sound system it only makes sense to listen to several before deciding on the one that will work best with your musical tastes and your desire for your vehicle sound system. Don't be misled by commission minded sales associated that think you need the latest, greatest, and most expensive toy on the market. Find a system that sounds good to you and go with that system. You do not have to go for a better sound if you find a sound you like that should be enough.

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